Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tom Cruise Reality

Tom Cruise

Date of Birth: 
July 3, 1962
Birth Location: 
Syracuse, New York


physical features that have made the camera love Tom Cruise on film have made many women love him, too. A sex symbol since his earliest days on film and a former People selection as The Sexiest Man Alive, his clean-cut look, megawatt smile and cool charisma exude a slick, manly confidence that so many women find appealing. Despite his shaky public image of late, Tom Cruise could spend a month looking like his Tropic Thunder alter-ego Les Grossman and probably still have no problem finding a hot date.    


A three-time Oscar nominee, he has "it" -- the looks, the style and the attitude to get and keep the attention of anyone watching. Logic dictates that when this translates into a string of successful movies, it can equal money and power. From Top Gun to the Mission: Impossible series, Tom Cruise has earned a great deal of both as an actor and producer and he's the only celebrity to ever twice top the Forbes Celebrity 100 Power List. As we all know, with great power comes great responsibility, and the ways that Cruise has used his power to further his own causes haven't made him a pop culture hero. Instead, they've backfired, leaving his popularity hurting, and making it hard to people to differentiate between the Tom Cruise they see in movies and the Tom Cruise in unpleasant interviews or leaked Scientology videos. 

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