Sunday, November 21, 2010

The making of a princess

Royal wedding

Miss Middleton has worked has worked with her mum Carole since she gave up her job as an accessories buyer for the clothing store Jigsaw

Kate Middleton, in the glare of publicity that is now her burden for life, will at least have in her husband a friend and soulmate to support her, says Christopher Wilson. 

Nicholas Sampson, the Master of Marlborough College, will have felt an extra surge of pleasure when he heard last Tuesday’s engagement announcement. His establishment has now completed the double – alumni in both Downing Street and the Royal family (a triumph shared only with Tony Little, Headmaster of Eton, which produced the boys); Kate Middleton and Samantha Cameron were both educated at the 167-year old redbrick pile, which sprawls across the ancient Wiltshire market town.

While SamCam stayed only a couple of years before taking her A-levels and moving on to a degree in fine art at Bristol Poly, Kate joined aged 13 and went the distance. Her place at St Andrews University marked her out as an achiever; a subsequent 2:1 degree in history of art an indicator that she was not only bright but a hard worker – not quite an alpha student, but not far off.
All that seems to have been forgotten in the welter of tabloid headlines that dogged Kate’s footsteps thereafter. The focus on her clothes, her love life, the apparent lack of ambition and application, all ignored the fundamental personality that lies beneath: hard-working, sophisticated, steel-backboned, fly. There’s much more to Catherine Middleton than we have yet been allowed to see.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ramaa The Saviour

Saahil Khan, Tanushree Datta, Khali

Six kids find themselves inside a game while playing it. The children are attacked by a giant man like but are rescued by Saahil Khan who has been living in this jungle. Danger arrives in the form of a boat commanded by Kali with a small army of mercenaries, and a brilliant and beautiful scientist assistant – Tanushree Datta. Will Saahil Khan and children get out of this spot and save their lives? And will they be able to defeat Kali and save the treasure? Will they be able to get back to the world they have come from?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sahir Lodhi in Magazine

An Interview of Sahir Lodhi in an Urdu Magazine

Angelina Jolie: “hold judgement” until it is released

Angelina Jolie has addressed reports about her new movie, asking people to “hold judgement” until it is released.

The Hollywood star has been forced to speak out after rumours surfaced claiming her as-yet untitled directorial debut will see a Bosnian rape victim fall in love with her Serbian captor. Young Bosnian actress Zana Marjanovic has landed the lead role in the wartime film, which is currently shooting in Budapest, Hungary.

Angelina has admitted the script does contain some difficult scenarios, but she insists they have been carefully dealt with.

"There are many twists in the plot that address the sensitive nature of the relationship between the main characters, and that will be revealed once the film is released," Angelina said in a statement. "My hope is that people will hold judgment until they have seen the film.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sahir Lodhi with Brides

Sahir Lodhi with Beauties

Jessica Alba Reality

Reality of Jessica Alba 
Born in Pomona, California, on April 28, 1981, Jessica Alba and her family moved to Biloxi, Mississippi, when she was an infant. Three years later, her Air Force father brought the family back to California, then to Del Rio, Texas, before finally settling in Southern California when Jessica was nine. In love with the idea of becoming an actress from the age of five, she was 12 before she took her first acting class. Nine months later, she was signed by an agent. A gifted young actress, Jessica has already played a variety of roles ranging from light comedy to gritty drama since beginning her career. She made her feature film debut in 1993 in Hollywood Pictures' comedy Camp Nowhere (1994). Originally hired for two weeks, she got her break when an actress in a principal role suddenly dropped out. Jessica cheerfully admits it wasn't her prodigious talent or charm that inspired the director to tap her to take over the part - it was her hair, which matched the original performer's. The two-week job stretched to two months, and Jessica ended the film with an impressive first credit. Two national TV commercials for Nintendo and J.C. Penney quickly followed before Jessica was featured in several independent films. She branched out into TV in 1994 with a recurring role in Nickelodeon's popular comedy series "The Secret World of Alex Mack" (1994). She played an insufferable young snob, devoted to making life miserable for the the title character, played by Larisa Oleynik. That same year, she won the role of "Maya" in "Flipper" (1995) and filmed the pilot for the series. She spent 1995 shooting the first season's episodes in Australia. An avid swimmer and PADI-certified scuba diver, Jessica was delighted to be doing a show that allowed her to play with dolphins. The show's success guaranteed it a second season, which she also starred in. Her involvement in the show lasted from 1995 to 1997. Since the show ended, she has appeared in a number of TV shows and films. In 1996, she appeared in Venus Rising (1995) as "Young Eve". The next year, she appeared on the "The Dini Petty Show" (1989), a Canadian talk show, and spoke about her role in "Flipper" (1995) and her general acting career. She began working on P.U.N.K.S. (1999), featuring Randy Quaid, in 1998. In early 1998, she appeared in "Brooklyn South" (1997) as "Melissa". That same year, she was in two episodes of "Beverly Hills, 90210" (1990) as "Leanne" and in two episodes of "Love Boat: The Next Wave" (1998). She appeared in "Teen Magazine" in 1995 and various European magazines in the following several years. More importantly, she was featured in the February 1999 issue of "Vanity Fair" magazine. She also had major roles in two movies that year: Never Been Kissed (1999) and Idle Hands (1999). In 2000, she had roles in Paranoid (2000/I) and starred in the sci-fi TV series "Dark Angel" (2000).